A Wrestler Dressed Up Like Pikachu And Hit A Perfect Moonsault

If you’ve ever put on a full mascot costume, you know how clunky and awkward they are and how they make normal tasks more difficult. Trying to do something acrobatic in one seems downright impossible.

However, there are people that can and many of them are professional mascots. Wrestlers also fall into the description of “people who can do wildly athletic things while wearing a giant, clunky costume,” so it probably shouldn’t be a surprise that at a recent Wrestling GO royal rumble event someone entered in a full Pikachu costume, but that doesn’t make it any less awesome to see.

The snippets of Pikachu in the match we have are just incredible. Look at this vicious clothesline to start off his time in the match!


I can’t stop laughing at one of those little arms (that can’t bend) laying a dude out. While the clothesline is great, the best part of the match was when Pikachu hit a perfect moonsault (and lost one of its feet in the process of getting up onto the ropes).


How is it possible to be that smooth with a moonsault in that costume?! That thing has to be top heavy, but he manages to find a way to pull it around all the way and stick it. I’m always here for costume gimmicks and one day they should have full-on Pokemon matches. Put two guys in Pokemon costumes and instead of “managers” they have “trainers” in the corner calling out moves to do. It’d be great. Please hire me to book this match.