Indie Wrestlers Are Still Having A Lot Of Fun Mocking Randy Orton

Randy Orton dropped the Twitter equivalent of a pipe bomb two weeks ago, when he (ironically) jumped into a discussion Rip Rogers began about how independent wrestlers are not much more than nonstop dives. Granted, not many indie matches contain the pathos and drama involved in, say, a House of Horrors match, but they’re trying, dammit.

Orton pissed off pretty much every independent wrestler, as well as Bully Ray, and some others, but more than anything, it got independent wrestling fans even more passionate about supporting their favorites, and blessed the indie scene with literally dozens of shirts.

Also, Will Ospreay had some cheeky fun with Orton during New Japan’s ongoing Best of the Super Juniors tournament.

But thankfully, this controversy isn’t dying down anytime soon. Indie promotions and wrestlers are still having a whoooole lot of fun taking the piss out of Orton and Rogers’ comments, and the latest high-profile display of razzin’ took place during a WrestleCircus show this past weekend. The main event of Saturday night’s card was a spectacularly star-studded trios match pitting Pentagón Jr., Fénix, and Juventud Guerrera (!) against Shane Strickland, Sammy Guevara, and Mr. 450.

Strickland, Guevara, and 450 went up top for a spectacular triple-dive, but cooler heads prevailed. See for yourself. (From two angles! Thanks, Twitter!)

The comedy and one-upsmanship is sure to keep on rolling for a long, long time, but we hope that the majority of the jabs are as fun and clever as this one.