In today’s most important pro wrestling news story, Renee Young spoke with TalkSport’s Gorilla Position podcast and confirmed that she’s dating WWE Superstar Dean Ambrose.
Now, for most of you, this won’t seem like a big deal. You’ll go “huh, good for them,” or maybe mention that you’d heard rumors about it last year, but hadn’t really thought much of it. If you are on the internet, batten down the hatches because Dean Ambrose fandom is at the intersection of nonstop vitriol and a pretty, grown-up adult co-worker who had a better chance of meeting and dating him than a 12-year-old fan fiction author. Here’s Renee explaining her situation, and why her relationship with Ambrose hadn’t been confirmed until now:
“It’s true, yes. I can’t give away too much, because we are very private about our relationship because we respect it. We don’t need people knowing about it or caring what we’re doing. I’m not going to post pictures of us on the internet … but people berate me no matter what I post on the internet.”
Here are a few examples from Ringside Confessions, which is the most safe, G-rated collection of examples I could find:
For more and way worse examples, google “Renee Young Dean Ambrose” and spend an afternoon descending into madness. And as a reminder, if you are famous enough for strangers to know you, do not date people or try to be happy.