Ric Flair Cut A Ridiculous Promo Video For The PGA Championship In Charlotte

Golf’s final major, the PGA Championship, is in Charlotte this weekend and TNT, which is broadcasting the first two rounds, needed a local Charlotte celebrity to hype the event with a promo video to lead into their coverage. This happens with most major events — if you’ve ever watched anything hosted in New Orleans you’ve heard a Harry Connick Jr. voiceover — and in Charlotte, there is only one man with the charisma and name recognition that you call: Ric Flair.

The Nature Boy is Charlotte’s most famous son, and there’s no one better at cutting a promo than Flair. That said, when I think golf, I don’t exactly think of the bravado, swagger, and general loudness that comes with Flair, but it absolutely worked as he brought his best for that TNT check.

Flair knows what the people want, so he plays the hits. He gives you plenty of “woos” and “stylin and profilin'” type rhymes, because it pays the bills, but the best part of his whole promo is when he suggest golfers ditch the traditional gentlemanly nature of the game and be more brash.

“Forget the humility and decorum, and embrace the flourish,” says Flair.

If there were ever a line that could describe Flair, more than being a jet-flyin’, limousine ridin’, kiss stealin’, wheelin’ and dealin’, son of a gun, it’s that. It’s doubtful any golfers heed his advice, but it’d make the PGA Championship way more fun if we saw some Ric Flair strutting on the greens.