Did Roman Reigns And Triple H Fake WWE Raw’s Bloody Main Event Beatdown?

The main event to WWE Raw ended in a brutal and bloodied beatdown on Roman Reigns by COO and current WWE World Heavyweight Champion Triple H. While it certainly looked damaging enough, a fan’s recently posted Facebook video from an alternate angle is leaving some to question the authenticity of what went down.

Hold onto your butts, coconuts, because we’ve got some shocking news: Sometimes pro wrestlers may fudge things to tell a story and get a reaction. I know. I know. Crazy, right?

None of us can argue the very real and lasting damaging physical effects pro wrestling takes on a person’s body. Obviously the early retirement of Daniel Bryan is still fresh in everyone’s minds and hearts, and it’s hard to ignore the laundry list of Superstars and Divas missing from the main roster due to major injuries. But look, we’re not here to prove how “real” wrestling is. We’re here because the curtain got pulled back, and now everyone’s losing it.

In the video above, you can see Roman very carefully (thank goodness) protecting his head as Triple H slams it into the announce table. “You’re gonna have a lengthy career and no brain lesions, suck it!” isn’t a thing that’s going to get Triple H over as a brutally violent cool dad, so Byron Saxton hands him something ‘off-screen.’ A moment later, you have enough blood to make Ric Flair go “eh, I guess that’s something.”


Whatever it was worked, and Roman ended up a bloody mess. But did WWE violate its own PG guidelines and let Reigns cut himself open for the show? Is it fake blood? Does WWE not actually really care about their own rules so long as it serves the bigger picture and/or makes them look really cool?

Yeah, it’s probably that one, isn’t it?

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