If you were on the internet at all on Thursday, you might have been aware of a preponderance of “Stone Cold” Steve Austin tweets, GIFs, Facebook posts, Snapchat snaps, Tout tunts, Woozle wozzles, Jib-Jabs, and Jub-Jubs. That’s because Thursday was March 16, and so it was 3:16 Day, because things can’t ever just be dates in 2017.
Here’s just a smattering of the 3:16 Day pictures, GIFs and tweets that went out from WWE personalities new and old, and pro wrestlers you probably already know and love and/or hate for either real or character reasons. And also a couple of fans. (And also CFO$.)
I will post this picture every year until I am dead. #Austin316Day @steveaustinBSR pic.twitter.com/EcObRBgH2I
— Matt Cardona (@TheMattCardona) March 16, 2017
— Bayley (@itsBayleyWWE) March 16, 2017
Here’s to @steveaustinBSR! Happy #Austin316Day! #OhHellYeah pic.twitter.com/TFZI6jggiS
— Vince McMahon (@VinceMcMahon) March 16, 2017
Happy 3/16
Should be a National Holiday
Like St.Patricks Day meets the Purge
Raise Hell#Austin316 pic.twitter.com/Ymf4MU3Lxu— Tommy Dreamer (@THETOMMYDREAMER) March 16, 2017
Happy Stone Cold Steve Austin Day @steveaustinBSR 3:16 #WWE #GOAT #CFOS pic.twitter.com/hQJiAd8RhV
— CFO$ (@CFOSofficial) March 16, 2017
Happy 3:16 Day @steveaustinBSR! #316Day #StoneColdDay #stonecoldsteveaustin #WWE pic.twitter.com/aWIRtfVdUV
— Martin Casaus (@martincasaus) March 16, 2017
#tbt to kicking ass on @WWEToughEnough with @steveaustinBSR. Happy 316 day!#316StoneCold #316Day #StoneColdStevenAustin #MartinCasaus #WWE pic.twitter.com/elTacA74g0
— Martin Casaus (@martincasaus) March 16, 2017
In honor of 3:16 day tweet me your favorite @steveaustinBSR moment, for me anything involving him and @VinceMcMahon best rivalry ever @WWE pic.twitter.com/A6fZSQM8pI
— James Ellsworth (@realellsworth) March 16, 2017
Happy 3:16 Day….
Now go stun yaself…
— Bully Ray (@bullyray5150) March 16, 2017
Happy #316Day! @MattForte22's handing out #StoneCold stunners. pic.twitter.com/I9AYhnxaPp
— New York Jets (@nyjets) March 16, 2017
It's #Austin316Day (OH, HELL YEAH!), but @catherinekelley has something very important to investigate: WHAT is #Southpaw Regional Wrestling? pic.twitter.com/okKzl6LUkR
— WWE (@WWE) March 16, 2017
Paging Dr. Austin…on #Austin316Day! "Oh, I'll take it from here, nurse!" @steveaustinBSR pic.twitter.com/15z9QmCwy9
— WWE (@WWE) March 17, 2017
If you're out getting snacks for #Austin316Day today, just keep your head on a swivel in the supermarket! @steveaustinBSR @BookerT5x pic.twitter.com/jzBr5UdATk
— WWE (@WWE) March 16, 2017
And it took until the very end of the day on 3/16, but the man himself finally took a moment to weigh in on Twitter. And yes, he had seen all of your cool tweets. And yes, he deeply appreciated them.
As 3-16-17 winds down, thanks for all of the 3-16 tweets. And always remember-Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your ass!!!#BottomLine @WWE
— Steve Austin (@steveaustinBSR) March 17, 2017
Well … he either appreciated them, or he just announced that he’s about to go on a Jay and Silent BobStrike Back-style rampage where he goes door-to-door, meting out violent justice on anyone who dared to celebrate HIS day publicly. Those are the two ways to interpret that tweet, I believe.
Until next time…#316 pic.twitter.com/ICbCHSVXu0
— Steve Austin (@steveaustinBSR) March 17, 2017
Good job, everyone. See you at International Talk Like A Pirate Day. Or maybe we celebrate 4:20 Day with Rob Van Dam GIFs. Who even knows anymore? Anyway, March the 17th be with you.