‘This Is How You Get Over’: Stone Cold Praises AJ Styles’ Work At WWE Payback

When Steve Austin was a full-time performer for WWE, he was a workhorse of a worker. Go back and watch one of his matches when he was in his prime, and marvel at how he almost never stops moving around the ring. Austin was a master of psychology, as well, and he knew exactly how to pace his matches to get the maximum effect from the audience. So, when Stone Cold tells you that a performer is the watermark for what a wrestler should be doing in a match, you should probably listen.

In his newest episode of The Steve Austin Show, Austin went into detail about AJ Styles‘ work at WWE’s most recent event, Payback. Austin praised Styles’ ability to control the pace of the match, and spoke highly of Styles’ work in the main event match against a much less seasoned wrestler in Roman Reigns.

Just absolutely five-star, tremendous job… He got his sh*t in. There was viciousness, a sense of urgency… it looked like a sport. The kid can work his ass off.

It’s true that Styles brought out possibly the best match in Roman Reigns other than the contests he’s had against Brock Lesnar. Can Reigns step up his game even more for Extreme Rules, and will Styles put in his best work since his call-up to WWE? We’ll just have to wait and see…