The Best Of The Ethan Carter III UPROXX Live Discussion

On Tuesday, we had the privilege of speaking to privilege.

TNA Impact Wrestling superstar EC3, Ethan Carter III, stopped by With Spandex for a live, uncensored Q&A that covered everything from the future of TNA to his sketchy, not-sure-if-canon past to his favorite Simpsons quotes. The TNA crew is headed to Japan for this weekend’s Bound For Glory pay-per-view event in Tokyo, Japan, so this might’ve been our last chance to ask the man questions before he’s sat on by the 450-pounds-plus Ryota Hama.

Here’s what we learned about EC3.

1. EC3 likes the gym. A lot.

Never forget the time his “shitty dead cousin” went to Zumba class.

2. EC3’s got a lot of faith in TNA …

3. … and TNA’s future.

4. Cleveland sports? Not so much.

5. Like The Iron Sheik, EC3 does not like my chances against Lance Hoyt.

6. EC3 is ready for Bound For Glory in Japan.

His opponent:

7. The situation with Spud isn’t getting any better.

8. Absurd question grab bag

Thanks for slumming it with the 99% for an hour, Mr. Carter. Good luck with the extremely large guy at Bound For Glory this weekend.