The Rock Shared Some Awesome Photos Of People (And A Dog) Dressed As Him On Halloween

FACT: The Internet is a much better place when it is filled with pictures of The Rock, specifically ones of him and that famous fanny pack. For those of you unaware, someone (I think it was Jimmy Fallon), stumbled on this photo of Dwayne Johnson in his teenage years, complete with turtleneck, chain, watch, and arguably the greatest high top fade(?) in the neighborhood.

The look has taken on a life of its own since then, slowly morphing into one of the best memes on the web. Every so often (especially on Halloween), The Rock shares some of the best ones on his Instagram account.

Here’s a brief sampling.

If you don’t think that picture of the dog dressed up as The Rock is funny, then get off the Internet forever. Seriously. Nothing will ever make you laugh. Here are some other pics, sans fanny pack.

As for Mr. Johnson himself, he changed it up this year and went as Popeye.

“Never buy a costume that says ‘One size fits most.’ #PissedOffPopeye,” “#CostumeNeedsToComeInSilverbackSize,” “#CornCobPipe,” “#LooksMoreLikeACrackPipe” “#HappyHalloween.”

Wait, hang on, is The Rock wearing a midriff? Because that kinda looks like a midriff/halter top.

This is the like the modern version of his fanny pack.