Undertaker May Or May Not Be At WrestleMania 31 Because He’s Really, Really Old

It’s WrestleMania season again, which means that it’s “Is Undertaker Going To Be A WrestleMania VI.” The pervasive rumor is that Taker’s big match will be against Bray Wyatt, with Wyatt even cutting promos to build the match. However, Dave Meltzer is reporting that someone else is reporting that Undertaker looks old.

“For what it’s worth,” he reported. “Someone saw Undertaker recently and said that he looked 60 and moved like his knees were gone and it was almost shocking.”

While this would be cause for alarm, it’s worth noting that every wrestler who’s been in the ring for a few years walks around looking old and worn out. So, it’s quite possible that this is how Undertaker’s looked for the last five years before he turns it on for one match a year.

It’s still weird that he hasn’t shown up this close to WrestleMania. If he’s not around by Monday, then it’s time to officially doubt if he’ll be available.