It’s been a strange year for WWE and its Chairman and CEO, Vince McMahon.
WWE recorded its highest quarterly revenue in history, but financial experts claimed the company was doomed. There were reports that McMahon wasn’t a fan of the product, followed by reports that he’d changed his mind. The man was on the cover of Muscle & Fitness at age 69, followed by rumors he was going blind. Long story short, and this may come as a shock to you, nobody knows what they’re talking about. Vince McMahon is to children in a trenchcoat.
Here’s something we do know: After losing nearly a third of his fortune in 2014, McMahon is back on his feet and is once again a billionaire. has his net worth as of this month at $1.16 billion. Hey, just in time for Donald Trump’s presidential run and another Battle of the Billionaires!
Sure, there are men richer than Vince, but does anyone have a cooler headshot? I bet Jeff Bezos wishes he could be WWE Champion.
The McMahon family released a statement earlier today: