Wade Barrett’s Retirement Is Already The Best Swerve Of The Week

It was like being on a fantastic fairground ride, centrifugal forces throwing us wider and wider. But it’s alright because there’s this brilliant machine at the center that will bring us back down to earth. That was Manchester. That is the Wade Barrett. Now, imagine the machine breaks. For a while, it’s even better because you’re really flying. Then, you fall because nobody beats gravity.

Last night, Wade Barrett took to the mic in Manchester, not to talk about how perfect 24-Hour Party People is (much to my dismay). See, Barrett’s got all of these leftover complications from his shoulder injury, so he won’t be back after his contract is up. But there’s hope yet… Neville is amazing, and Barrett believes that he could really and truly be one of the next great British wrestling superstars. LOL JK sorry, Neville. There’s only bad news news in your future.

Minus points for not renting a salmon-coloured jacket for the occasion. They can’t be that hard to find in England, right?

h/t to The Spotlight