Watch UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Daniel Cormier Lose His Mind At WrestleMania

The more I think about it, the more I realize that WrestleMania 31 and this past weekend’s UFC 187 had similar main-events. In both cases, you were originally counting on seeing extremely dangerous heel champions (Brock Lesnar and Jon “Bones” Jones) stacked up against problematic, less popular challengers (Roman Reigns and Anthony Johnson). What you weren’t counting on were dark horses (Seth Rollins and Daniel Cormier) to come swooping in and save the day. Just as Seth Rollins simultaneously ended Lesnar’s dominance and spared us from a Roman Reigns title run, Cormier saved us from a main-event that would have pitted the MMA world’s scene-fleeing equivalent of Dr. Rockso against a man who allegedly beat up the mother of his own children. We have dodged some major bullets, guys and gals.

I guess I’m just trying to say that Rollins and Cormier have more in common than they know, which is why it just feels right to know that DC is a huge fan of Seth. I remember seeing some pictures of Cormier at WrestleMania celebrating after the main event, but thanks to MMAFighting, we now have the video of UFC’s top light heavyweight marking out with no shame. Don’t even try to lie, you did the same. Check it out.

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I think my favorite part is the evident non-wrestling fan trying to make sense of triple threat rules. “What does that mean? I don’t get it, how does he win? Brock was the champ, he pinned Reigns!”

I’ve talked about WWE-to-MMA crossovers before, but it’s great to see pure MMA guys like Cormier putting their love out there as well. Between him, Ronda Rousey and her horsewomen, and Josh Barnett, I’d say the “fake” stuff is well-defended in the octagon. There’s also that guy from Chicago with all the tattoos, but I think he’s trying to distance himself at the moment.