The Best And Worst Of WWE 205 Live 11/28/17: Power Point

Previously on 205 Live, Akira Tozawa defeated Drew Gulak in a street fight, Tony Nese enjoyed a turkey leg and took care of Mustafa Ali, and we were all thankful for the Gobbledy Gulaker.

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And now, the best and worst of WWE 205 Live for November 28, 2017.

Best: The Zo Train Caboose

Since we have some time to kill until the next Raw PPV, we’re taking our time to name a new number one contender for Enzo’s title. If you watched Raw you would know Rich Swann won a four way match for the right to face the winner of next week’s fatal four way.

Enzo’s out here dropping Mario Kart references and making me remember I haven’t seen TJP in months. What happened to that guy? It’s almost as though “likes videogames” isn’t a gimmick with legs. Noam Dar has a chance to redeem himself for losing in that fatal four way on Raw, and because he is Noam Dar, he fails to do so. The match was decent, but not really given any time to be anything special. The important thing is that there is a hierarchy in the Zo Train and Noam Dar is at the bottom.

Best: Gentlemanly Headbutts

Kalisto should do all of his pre-match interviews in Spanish. When he was talking to Dasha in Spanish he sounded sure of himself and confident, but when he started talking in English he just started quoting “Tubthumping” by Chumbawamba.

I like that Gallagher and Kendrick exist outside of the Zo Train thing that occupies 95 percent of 205 Live. Every time I see him, I get more and more impressed that Gentleman Jack wrestles in slacks and dress shoes. I know that they are probably special “action slacks” that move better, but wrestling in some nice Oxfords is just impressive.

It’s good to see Kalisto back after moving out of the title picture. After this DQ finish, I imagine we’ll get a Kalisto vs. The Brian Kendrick next week. If he needs a tag partner, it can probably be Lince Dorado, since he’s not doing anything and everyone else on this show is tied up in the Enzo stuff. Or maybe Hideo shows up and just kills all of them? Either way, I’m looking forward to it.

Best: A Nickname So Clever It Bears No Further Explanation

Here is our weekly “Drew Gulak is the best thing on the show” segment. Everything this man touches is gold. He made many salient points on the mic this week, as he is wont to do. His little dance mocking Mustafa Ali was fantastic. I’m so into Drew Gulak right now I’m basically just writing “Robby Gulak” and drawing little hearts over and over in my notepad. I’m also loving Tony Nese more and more. Every day is ab day, and that tree of woe bicycle crunch spot is fantastic.

The story of this match is how out-of-sync Cedric and Mustafa are compared to Team Power Point leading up to the fatal four way next Raw, which considering it’s an every man for himself situation, I don’t know how much that is supposed to hurt the faces. If I had to rank the potential winners of the match on Monday, I’d say Tony Nese is last, even though he looked strong. I also think Mustafa Ali is out, because if they wanted a face vs face match for the number one contendership, it makes more sense to have Swann face Cedric. So it really comes down to Cedric Alexander and Drew Gulak. Cedric and Swann has a good story built up as tag partners and friends, and could lead to a continuation of the teased break up.

Gulak winning is what I want, and it can eventually lead to a face turn when he realizes that he doesn’t need the Zo Train, and that Enzo is actually the worst. Just the worst. I think Swann can have a good match with any of these four, so Monday should be a great match regardless.

That’s all this week on a shorter-than-average 205 Live. Thanks for reading.