Bobby Roode Believes His WWE Run Has Added Years To His Career

No matter how you felt about Bobby Roode during the decade-plus he was with TNA, odds are good that you’ve been enjoying his run in NXT. If not his promos and in-ring work, then certainly his entrances and the best theme song in the business. But even if you were someone who was clamoring for Roode to jump to WWE, you probably weren’t imagining his NXT work was going to be quick so … joyous. It’s pretty remarkable. And Roode himself agrees: it’s revitalized his entire career.

Roode appeared on The LAW yesterday to talk about his career and his theme song and the other standard questions, but the most interesting part was when the 39-year-old veteran was asked whether he feels his time in NXT has added years to his career that he may not have gotten if he’d remained in TNA.

“I think so. I think this is the only thing I’m really good at so I don’t know what else I would do but it’s really rejuvenated me. I feel like I’m young again, I feel like I’m right in the middle of my prime, I feel like I have years and years ahead of me, you know what I mean? I’m almost 17 years into the business right now but I feel like I can go 15, 16 more to be honest with you. I’m just having fun and I have that passion back. I look forward to getting back on the road all the time and being a part of NXT shows, just being a part of it all. I got into this business for a reason and everything that’s going on right now with WWE and with NXT is the reason why I’m in this business so I’m having fun.”

15 or 16 more years! Now I can’t stop thinking about a 55-year-old Bobby Roode having a 45-minute entrance at WrestleMania 49 while “Glorious Domination” plays on an endless loop. I think we, as wrestling fans, deserve for that to happen. I think we’ve earned it.