Machamp Is Here: WWE Headquarters Is A Pokemon GO Gym

As the pro wrestling portal on a network of entertainment sites, we’ve struggled to find a way to talk about Pokemon Go, aka “the only thing people care about right now.” Seriously, if they’d released it in America during the NBA Finals, your social media feeds would’ve been nothing but Steph Curry with a Psyduck superimposed over him with the caption, “was watching the game and caught this guy! LOL!” Also, Psyduck’s face would’ve been Michael Jordan crying.

Anyway, thanks to @craigtello on Twitter, we’ve finally got our angle: WWE Headquarters in Stamford, CT, is the site of a Pokemon Gym. Which is funny, because WWE Headquarters is currently the only place you can’t get Stardust.

Finally, a reason for people to loiter outside of WWE Headquarters.

Our only hope is that the players in control of the WWE HQ Gym are the wrestlers themselves. You know somebody there’s got an overpowered Cenasaur. You’ve gotta beat R-Truth and his Goldeen. Wait, is Brock the gym leader?

Pokemon battles in Stamford can only go one of two ways. The classic way:

Or WWE 2K16-style:

If you live near the building and catch any Pokemon there, let us know if it’s anything special. And if you catch one, name it Dolph Zigglypuff.