Fans of WWE Superstar Kane and his local political office aspirations are waking up like this today …

… because Glenn Jacobs, the man behind the raw cube steak mask and unholy fire powers, won a narrow victory in the primary and looks like he’ll be headed to the general election as the Republican nominee for Knox County, Tennessee’s mayor. Via WWE.com, who are hilariously careful about not mentioning the actual name of the man running:
The former WWE Champion announced his candidacy in April of last year and has been campaigning ever since, while still finding time to compete at events like the Royal Rumble and WrestleMania’s Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Kane won the initial tally by 17 votes, though the count is not yet official, as there are still provisional ballots to be counted over the next several days.
Join WWE.com in congratulating Kane on the newest chapter in his storied career.
If we’re Kane, we’re locking up that nomination and getting elected to the office of mayor based solely on a, “has your party’s candidate ever tied Shane McMahon to one of the posts of a wrestling ring and shocked his balls with a car battery and some jumper cables?” platform.