Kevin Owens’ Betrayal Of Chris Jericho Is Even More Heartbreaking With Sad Anime Music

Boy, the fine video editors who populate r/SquaredCircle have really been on fire as of late. First they brought us the “My Sacrifice” WWE Desire update we never would have guessed we needed. Now they’re making us feel emotions in an entirely new and horrible way with a remix of the already-classic “Festival of Friendship” from Raw, which saw Kevin Owens rip our hearts out by turning on his one true best friend, Chris Jericho.

We thought we were almost over the depths of sadness that Owens’ shocking actions made us feel. It was like Seth Rollins turning on the Shield, but as written by Shakespeare instead of Tarantino. And now these Reddit goofballs come along and make us feel even worse by layering some super-tragic Naruto score underneath the misery.

And just when you think it can’t get any more heartbreaking, they had to go and give us a black-and-white recap of the entire journey of Jeri-KO’s glorious best friendship. Curse you forever, “neffennnn,” for you have cut me to the quick.

We will never forgive you for this tragedy. Not you, Kevin Owens, and not you, clever video editor. This warning is coming after the video, but in the off chance you haven’t watched it yet, there’s still time to turn away. You may not be able to handle the sheer despair of it all. And then you’ll have to spend the rest of your day explaining to people that it’s just raining on your face.