The WWE Hall of Fame has some credibility problems. The fact that Drew Carey is a member, and guys are selling their rings to cover bad debts are major black spots, but maybe the biggest issue is that the WWE Hall of Fame doesn’t actually exist. There’s no physical location where people can go to see WWE’s Hall of Famers celebrated. Well, that may be about to change. Sort of.
According to theme park insider website Behind the Thrills, WWE may be opening an elaborate Hall of Fame-themed restaurant in Universal Studios Orlando. Disney recently snagged the theme park rights to the NBA, so the NBA City restaurant that was previously at Universal Studios Orlando has to be replaced with something else. That something else could be a WWE Hall of Fame restaurant. Or it could just be a really big, crazy Cheesecake Factory. Honestly, the latter may be more of a crowd-pleaser.
So yes, the physical WWE Hall of Fame would more of a Planet Hollywood thing rather than a dignified museum, but that honestly kind of suits the WWE’s version of the Hall of Fame. Who doesn’t want to chow down on an Undertaker Rest in Grease burger, while sitting beside a glass display holding one of Rikishi’s thongs? Sure, WWE hasn’t had great success with opening eateries, but a WWE Hall of Fame restaurant would at least do better than WWF New York, right?