WWE has a new-ish Wednesday programming block, so we have a new-ish live discussion thread in which you can talk about it here on With Spandex! Tonight we have new episodes of 205 Live (7/6 c), NXT (8/7 c), and the Mae Young Classic (9/8 c) on the WWE Network, as well as a 10/9 c replay of the first episode of NXT UK, which premiered at 3 pm Eastern/8 pm in the UK earlier today. Sorry we didn’t think to set up the livethread earlier for that!
But anyway, coming up for the cruiserweights:
Two weeks after attacking The Brian Kendrick, Drew Gulak will face Akira Tozawa in singles competition tonight on WWE 205 Live. Plus, why did Mike Kanellis attack Lince Dorado last week?
And on NXT (US):
A monumental edition of WWE NXT, headlined by a double main event of NXT Tag Team Champions Undisputed ERA vs. War Raiders and Nikki Cross vs. Bianca Belair, streams Wednesday on the award-winning WWE Network.
And on the Mae Young Classic:
As WWE Evolution, the site of the Mae Young Classic Final, draws near, the field of tournament competitors will continue to narrow this week with four explosive Quarterfinal Matches, including a hotly anticipated main event of Toni Storm vs. Mia Yim.
And in case you’re wondering about the premiere of NXT UK:
The inaugural episode of WWE NXT UK originated in the Corn Exchange in Cambridge and featured a knockdown-dragout matchup between Pete Dunne and Noam Dar for the WWE UK Championship. Plus, Mark Andrews locked horns with big Joe Coffey, Toni Storm took on Nina Samuels, and Dave Mastiff descended on Sid Scala.
Our five-point preview:
1) 205 Live is pre-taped now. Should they start just calling it 205? What a squandering of a rhyming title!
3) NXT has a double main event tonight! We all know what that means: the War Raiders vs the Undisputed ERA and Nikki Cross vs. Bianca Belair will happen simultaneously in two side-by-side rings and will be filmed split-screen like WCW World War 3 matches.
4) Will Lacey Lane get another fluke-y victory against Meiko Satomura? Will she get completely murked in like thirty seconds? Probably neither of these will happen, but I would not mind the second one.
5) I haven’t watched NXT UK yet and honestly, my biggest question about it is if they’ll subtitle any of these people’s English-language promos like they did Isla Dawn on the Mae Young Classic.
If you want us to keep doing this Wednesday night WWE open thread, participate in it! Also, come back tomorrow for the Best and Worst of NXT and a Ranked Review of the Mae Young Classic. Enjoy what should be a fun three-to-four hours of sports entertainment with lots of variety.