WWE Raw Open Discussion Thread 9/11/17

Tonight, on the With Spandex WWE Raw open discussion thread:

One week after hurling Big Show through a steel cage wall, Braun Strowman again brings his destructive tendencies to Raw. Will Universal Champion Brock Lesnar respond to The Monster Among Men’s impactful message? (via WWE.com)

Our one-point preview:

1. Last week there was an Intercontinental Championship match announced ahead of time, built up by a battle royal on the previous week’s show, and a steel cage hoss fight with a spectacular post-match attack. WWE is not great at remembering to plan things two weeks in a row, though, so this week all the WWE.com talking points are, “remember that feud that’s happening? What will happen next?” That’s how you know it’s gonna be a filler-ass Raw.

Usually we’d have a lot more here, but hey, we work with what we’re given. Regardless, remember that we include ten of the best comments from every Raw open discussion thread in the next day’s Best and Worst of Raw column, so if you see a comment you love or think is especially astute — or is a great dick joke, which is 99% of your +1s — reply to it with a +1.

Other than that, enjoy the show. And keep your fingers crossed that this is the week they remember Goldust is supposed to have a protege.