Do you love The New Day? Hahaha, of course you do. If you didn’t, you’re probably devoid of any kind of light or love or joy in your life, or appreciation for any real kind of magic. No one on the internet could possibly be like that! Just maybe don’t ever peek into a comment section… anywhere, really.
Xavier Woods’ injury left us with a little less light in our lives, forcing fellow New Day members Kofi Kingston and Big E to SOLDIER on (eh? ehhhhhh?) while Woods had to stay at home and recuperate, sad and tromboner-less.
The good folks over at Muscle Temple were just as broken up at his absence, and sent over a lot of art and even more love for the trio. Artwork includes GIFs and sketches from their live drawing events in support of their Kickstarter to make the Muscle Temple Comics Anthology a real thing that exists in real life (a thing you should help them do!).
All artwork courtesy of the following rad people: Becky Dreistadt (Bee & Puppycat / Star vs. The Forces of Evil), Nathan Bulmer (DreamWorks), Bryan Mann (DreamWorks), Zach Marcus (Star vs. The Forces of Evil), David Smith (Adventure Time/Metalocalypse), Madeleine Flores (Bee & Puppycat), and Evan Palmer (Yo Gabba Gabba).