We asked music critics from across the industry to participate in a new music critics survey, in the hope of bridging together the community. 12 119 points Lush Snail Mail, Matador Critics who voted for this album Leah Lu 1 Daniel Kohn 2 Mike Appelstein 2 Nick Fulton 2 Arielle Gordon 3 Emily Reily 3 Maff Caponi 3 Michael Roffman 4 Sarah MacDonald 4 Patrick Hosken 5 Taylor Frantum 5 Katherine Flynn 6 Scott Plagenhoef 6 Adam Rothbarth 7 Alex Suskind 7 Sean Titone 8 Joey Daniewicz 9 Kevin Korber 9 Steven Edelstone 9 Steven Hyden 9 Marissa Muller 10 Shannon Carlin 10 Zack Ruskin 10