Are you ready for the summer? (2012 edition)

As I mentioned in yesterday’s review of “Men at Work,” the broadcast network TV season officially ended last night at 11 p.m. Though there are still a handful of spring shows with episodes yet to air (for my interests, primarily the Sunday shows on AMC and HBO), we’re mostly moving into a whole new wave of programming, with the return of old favorites (“Breaking Bad” on July 15), the debut of intriguing newcomers (Sorkin’s “The Newsroom” on June 24), and also lots of shows I’m less inclined to cover weekly (a lot of the USA and TNT stuff).

As always in summer, we’ll figure it out as we go beyond the obvious weekly candidates. And, as I’ve been doing in the summer going back to the old blog, we’re going to revisit a classic show on DVD. (In addition to the “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” season 1 rewatch Dan and I will be doing for the podcast.) This year’s choice seemed obvious: following up last summer’s “Deadwood” season 1 reviews with a look back at season 2 of the David Milch Western.

The approach will be the same as last year: two identical reviews, but one where “Deadwood” veterans can comment on anything and everything to do with the series, and the other that’s considered safe for series newcomers who don’t want later episodes or seasons spoiled for them.

Also the same as last year will be the greatest unplanned bonus of any of these DVD rewinds: “Deadwood” actor Jim Beaver’s weekly visit to the comments of the veteran edition. I checked with Jim, who said he’s going to be traveling the world for the early part of the summer but will do his best to chime in whenever he has Internet access. And while Jim’s doing this purely out of the goodness of his heart, I thought that it would be a nice gesture for anyone who really appreciates his contribution to these reviews to buy a copy of Jim’s book, “Life’s That Way.” He’s selling personally autographed copies on his website.

Where last year’s reviews were published on Thursday mornings, I think my writing schedule this summer makes Friday a more feasible destination. So look for my review of the season 2 premiere, “A Lie Agreed Upon, Part 1,” a week from tomorrow. There may be interruptions due to Comic-Con, press tour and vacation, but we will get through 12 episodes, come hell or high water.

Looking forward to it.