When Uproxx bought HitFix, they also bought years worth of content, including six-plus years of reviews, episodic recaps, and interviews from What’s Alan Watching? All those old posts now exist under the Uproxx banner, with Uproxx URLs (if you have old HitFix links, they should still point you to the new versions), but it’s taking a while to get them organized. We’ve started building up hubs for notable shows — both classics like Mad Men, Deadwood, and Parks and Recreation, and current shows in the rotation like Game of Thrones, The Americans, and Legion. All the links are below, in alphabetical order, and we hope to keep adding more of them when possible. If there’s a particular show from the HitFix days that you’d like to see a hub for, email me and I’ll pass it along to the web designers to see what can be done.
Some shows, I just haven’t written enough about over the years to make a hub worth the bother — and we’ve set up overall hubs for both Netflix and Amazon (included in the show list below), since I tend to write about their shows at most once or twice a season, but people then look for the reviews months or years later — but if it helps, I have a very unusual and Google-friendly last name. (And if you’re looking for reviews from before May 2010, those are at my original blog.)
Down the road, we hope to make these hubs a part of the overall design for the blog, but in the meantime, this post should be stickied to the top of the page, so you can always come here to find these links:
The Americans
Better Call Saul
Better Things
Breaking Bad
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Curb Your Enthusiasm
The Deuce
Game Of Thrones
The Good Place
Halt And Catch Fire
How I Met Your Mother
The Leftovers
Mad Men
Mr. Robot
New Girl
The Office
Parks And Recreation
The Sopranos
The Wire
You’re The Worst
Shows on Streaming Services