Adam Lefkoe, My Hero, Namedrops 31 Pro Wrestlers During Louisville Cardinals Highlights

Serious question: who put me in charge of writing the local news?

Meet Adam Lefkoe, 11 News hashtag sportscaster, pro wrestling fan and Guy Having His Body Inhabited By The Ghost Of Brandon Stroud. In this epic clip, Adam recounts the ins-and-outs of Sunday’s Louisville Cardinals / Ohio Bobcats game and namedrops 31 — yes, 31 — pro wrestlers in the process. There are some obvious ones, like The Ultimate Warrior, and some less obvious ones, like SPECIAL DELIVERY JONES, most famous for losing to King Kong Bundy in an announced nine seconds at WrestleMania 1.

See if you can pick them all out. I’m gonna spend the rest of the day calling my local news stations, seeing if they’ll let me have a segment to try and top it.

Bonus awesome: sideline reporter Ken Spencer going full Jimmy Valmer with, “wow, what a great performance.”

[h/t to Awful Announcing]