Check Out Lucha Underground’s Cage In The He-Man Fan Film, ‘Fall Of Grayskull’

Everyone at With Spandex loves Lucha Underground from the very bottom of our weird blogger-hearts. However, being that LU is on hiatus while a second season is getting sorted out, the wrestlers have to find other work in the interim. Now, former title challenger and title destroyer They Call Him Cage is starring in a He-Man fan film called Fall of Grayskull, and here’s the trailer.

I don’t know much about He-Man, but I really, really, really want Skeletor to be played by Pentagon, Jr. In fact, if season two of Lucha Underground is just an extended He-Man homage, I’d be fine with that, even if most of the references will go over my head. (Is being a Master of the Universe better or worse than having the Gift of the Gods?) Expect a full review of Fall of Grayskull when it comes out in September, I guess.

Also, he’s not a He-Man, he’s a He-Machine!