What you’re looking at, by way of @KateUpton, is America’s Best Girl dressed as a zombie version of Marilyn Monroe for Heidi Klum’s Halloween party. I guess a better description might be “Marilyn Monroe during filming of The Seven Year Itch if the subway breeze blew her into the street where she fractured her arms and exposed the bones instead of just blowing up her skirt”, or, as Sportress Of Blogitude suggests, “Partially Decomposed (But Not In A Grotesque Way Which Would Cause Me To Appear Not Totally Hot) Marilyn Monroe”.
Regardless, this is one of Kate’s two mostly-effortless costumes for the season. The other, a bottle of Tabasco Sauce with a simultaneously cute and sexual Nutrition Facts label, can be seen along with more of Dead Marilyn (too soon) after the jump. What, you think I’m going to put up pictures of Kate Upton and not make you click through them? You don’t know anything about blogging. Keep your hands where I can see them.
get it
(pictured unrelated)