WWE Raw Old School Open Discussion Thread 1/6/14

This week, on the With Leather WWE Raw Old School Open Discussion Thread:

When the WWE Universe last convened for Monday Night Raw, Daniel Bryan was skulking off as — apparently — a new convert to The Wyatt Family, Brock Lesnar had laid waste to Mark Henry and Randy Orton received his latest challenge to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. As 2014 begins and The Road to WrestleMania draws near, how will these explosive situations play out? Oh, and to top it off, it’s Old School Raw tonight, too. Here’s what WWE.com expects for the first Raw of the New Year. (via WWE.com)

Our five-point preview:

1. If you want someone to show up that isn’t the same batch of Slaughter/D-X/IRS legends they use every time they do an “old school” something, I’M AFRAID I HAVE SOME BAD NEWS.

2. CM Punk takes on Roman Reigns, which should be fun. Punk already beat these guys 3-on-1 and is now beating them one at a time, soooo … maybe Reigns will just spear him to death and cement himself as the “best” Shield guy? Can we bring out Colt Cabana and Ace Steel and just make it a 3-on-3? They both count as “old school” WWE guys.

3. Expect more hype for the upcoming REGULAR match between John Cena and Randy Orton, the two most regular people on the roster, as they compete to see who is the REGULAREST and can maintain the status quo most effectively. NORMAL MATCH!

4. The Daniel Bryan story continues tonight. If somebody on your Twitter or Facebook wall makes a joke about how he’s dressed like Duke “The Dumpster” Droese, I promise you, that joke has already been made. A lot.

5. Regarding #1, if we get an “IRS meets the Wyatt Family” backstage thing and it DOESN’T involve a cameo from Bo, we riot.

As always, we’re picking 10 of the best comments from tonight’s open discussion thread to be featured in tomorrow’s Best and Worst of WWE Raw Old School report, so reply to your favorites with +1 to nominate them for consideration.

Enjoy the show, (old) everybody!