Comcast is not exactly one of America’s most beloved corporations, for a variety of reasons both large and small. But by far the biggest is that like every other cable provider, year after year, the prices for everything go up. And sadly it looks like 2018 isn’t going to break with tradition.
A post on the DSLReports forum, picked up by the Houston Chronicle, lays out the increases for the Miami Dade area, generally bumping up the cost of service packages by $5 a month and increasing a few other fees, such as regional sports fees from $5 to $6.75 and the cost of your cable box from $10 to $11. They’re even hiking the late fee by fifty cents.
Needless to say, this is unlikely to encourage anybody to embrace Comcast, or for that matter squelch the wave of password-sharing cable companies are getting so upset about. And considering this is the moment when net neutrality has been overturned, however temporarily, it’s got people thinking about cutting the cord or even building their own internet to get out from under Comcast’s thumb. And considering that bills keep rising even as customers keep leaving, and consumers ditching cable is expected to jump by 33% by the end of 2017, it might be time for Comcast to ask what other options it has.
(via DSLReports and the Houston Chronicle)