Two ‘Pokemon Go’ Players Found A Loaded Gun While Hunting For Pocket Monsters

You may have heard about a little game called Pokemon Go that came out this weekend. The game, for all twelve of you that are hearing about it for the first time here, is a phone app that simulates the experience of being a Pokemon trainer through geo-tracking. It’s already insanely popular and in less than a week has more downloads than Tinder and is creeping up on Twitter’s user count, meaning people are officially more into catching fake Pokemon than dating and keeping up with what Anna Kendrick had for lunch.

It’s already become something of a wonderful (or wonderfully bizarre) social experiment, with lots of good coming from it, including a cheating boyfriend getting busted and a murder suspect getting caught. It’s also doing wonders for restaurants. That said, the game requires users to be able to pay attention to the game while wandering around in public, so it’s also resulting in injuries, stabbings, and the discovery of dead bodies. Recently, two brothers in Oregon went out looking for a rare Pokemon and found, well, something else.

Emanuel Schmaltz and his brother were out in a field off of a local highway trying to track down a Gloom. What they found instead was a loaded gun. A loaded Smith and Wesson .32 Magnum, in fact. Luckily, the two brothers are pretty smart kids, and while Emanuel’s brother went off and caught the Gloom hiding in the field, he dialed 911 and reported the incident to the police (again, multitasking).

Police claim that the gun had clearly been in the field for a while and had likely been discarded there some time ago. That said, a loaded gun is a loaded gun, and the situation could have played out far differently. Fortunately, Emanuel and his brother handled what could have been a scary incident like champs. For that, they definitely deserve like, at least one Legendary Bird Pokemon. Maybe even two.

(Via Patch)