Roomba Creators Say ‘Pooptastrophes’ Are Nothing New: ‘We See This A Lot’

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Earlier this week
, we heard one sh**ty story from a man named Jesse Newton, whose Roomba took it upon itself to take a rogue 1:30 a.m. turd from his dog and go Picasso on his entire home. Well, one man’s ““poopocalypse” turns out to be not such a unique event, because according to the makers of the Roomba this sh** happens all the time.

Apparently, Roomba’s all over the world have teamed up with pet poop to create the wrestling tag team of your Mother’s nightmares. We’re talking poop from wall-to-wall, here. Everywhere your Roomba was supposed to clean? Poop. All up in your Roomba wheels? More poop. It’s the epidemic CNN probably refuses to cover.

A spokesman from iRobot, the company that makes the Roomba, tells The Guardian the quick fix to avoid this situation is to pick between your pet and the Roomba. Not really, but basically. If your pet is prone to pooping indoors, you can’t have the robot vacuum — thems the breaks.

“Quite honestly, we see this a lot,” said a spokesman from iRobot, the company that makes the Roomba.

“We generally tell people to try not to schedule your vacuum if you know you have dogs that may create such a mess. With animals anything can happen.”

Are there any plans to introduce any poop detection technology to the product? “Our engineers are always trying to figure out ways to help people with their problems, and we’ve known this is an issue people deal with.”

If you’re saying to yourselves “Hey, these people invented the Roomba, I’m pretty sure they have a solution to this problem.”, you’d be incorrect — they’re stumped. For now, iRobot says it’s something their engineers are working on, until then you’re sh** out of luck.

(Via The Guardian)