Alec Baldwin Has So Many Kids That He Forgot One Of Them In A Tribute

Alec Baldwin doesn’t have as many kids as Nick Cannon, but the 30 Rock star’s brood is large enough that he can’t remember them all.

“A lot going on in this photo. As usual,” Baldwin wrote on Instagram, along with a photo of himself and his wife, Hilaria, covered in children. “It was Romeo’s birthday party. (actual birthday is May 17). Thanks to all my children’s friends/classmates who joined us. I have never seen kids devour more candy in my lifetime. They’re like locusts. Candy locusts.” In a follow-up post, he added, “Seven reasons to carry on during some tough times. I’m not gonna lie, without my family, I don’t know what my life would be.” The slide included seven photos of his seven kids — except Baldwin has eight kids.

Photos of Carmen, 9, Rafael, 7, Leonardo, 6, Romeo, 4, Eduardo, 2, Lucia, 2, and Ilaria, 7 months, were featured in the social media upload — but [his] 27-year-old daughter, Ireland Baldwin, was noticeably missing.

Baldwin corrected his honest (?) mistake (?) in a third post. “We forgot Billy Preston!” Baldwin wrote, seemingly a reference to something George Harrison said during The Concert for Bangladesh. “This one, the first one, is about to make me a grandfather. Oy.”

Now who’s thoughtless?

(Via Page Six)