Thanks to a crushing defeat in court that saw Infowars host Alex Jones get slapped with over a billion dollars in damages for spreading malicious lies about the Sandy Hook shootings, the conspiracy monger has filed for bankruptcy in an attempt to stave off financial ruin. Like all things Jones, this maneuver has already resulted in curious details about his personal life being revealed.
According to The Washington Post (via The Daily Beast), Jones is reportedly “holding firearms for certain January 6th participants,” and nobody seems to know what the heck he’s doing with them, or worse, where they even are.
Jones participated in the “Stop the Steal” rally that immediately preceded the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. The filing does not state how Jones obtained these firearms, why he is holding them, or where they are currently located, according to the Post.
Considering the January 6 attack is still being investigated and rioters are still facing trial, Jones disclosing that he’s holding onto their firearms is probably the last thing that whole group needs right now. Despite narratives to the contrary, it has been increasingly suggested that some members of the MAGA crowd were either armed or had access to firearms during the Capitol assault. Not only would possession of those firearms have been illegal, but it would up the severity of the January 6 to an armed insurrection. And, now, Jones is revealing that he actually has some of the participants’ guns? That’s probably not going to go away easily.
(Via The Washington Post)