Anna Paquin Instantly Recognized Her ‘True Blood’ Sex Scene In The Background Of That Recent BBC News Broadcast

Earlier in the week, BBC News fell into quite the embarrassing gaffe on live television as someone in the background was caught looking at something a little more sensual on their computer screen. The initial thought was that someone was enjoying a little bit of porn during work hours, which is frowned upon but also quite the gutsy move for your typical employee. That’s high praise. But the reality of the situation is actually far more understandable and far funnier than anybody could’ve guessed.

While some reporters at the BBC denied it was their desk and computer, even noting where they are in the news room, it was actually the keen eye of the person in the scene that gave away what the reporter was really watching. They were watching a sex scene, but it wasn’t porn. It was True Blood and Anna Paquin knew it immediately. Once the news started to go viral, the actress noticed and tweeted about her nude cameo on the evening news:

To add another fun layer to it, she shared the news with her husband and co-star Stephen Moyer and they both seemed to have a good laugh while looking back at what scene it was from the show.

So yes, it was a little less explicit for our embarrassed BBC reporter. Instead of hardcore porn with a terrible script right for all to see, it was an episode of HBO’s softcore vampire romp.

(Via Twitter)