Tell me this cat at @TheMCSPCA doesn't look like Adam Driver.
— Marci Robin (@MarciRobin) January 16, 2016
IMPORTANT KYLO REN CAT UPDATE: According to the Monmouth County SPCA Facebook page, “Corey” has now been adopted!
KYLO REN CAT UPDATE #2: Now officially named “Kylo Ren,” Kylo Ren Cat has been adopted by Elite Daily editor Emily McCombs who writes about the newest member of her family here.
Credit goes xoJane editor Marci Robin, who happened to notice recently that this handsomely gawky cat being featured at the Monmouth County SPCA bears more than a passing resemblance to handsomely gawky actor Adam Driver. You know, the male star of Girls who is now world-famous for his portrayal of Kylo Ren in Star Wars: A Force Awakens.
You have to admit, the resemblance is pretty uncanny. Even more uncanny would be whether or not Kylo Ren Cat also has an aversion to watching Driver’s performance in Girls.
(Via Reddit)