Yes, it’s Christmas Eve, but we’ve still got comics on the stands to read. Here’s a look at this week’s notable Christmas presents.
Robin Rises: Alpha
So, uh, Damien is basically Superboy now. That’ll end well. Tomasi and Kubert deliver an exceptionally long and amusing superhero fight with everybody’s favorite Apokoliptan punching bag, Kalibak. It’s perhaps not require reading, but it’s pretty fun, and really, that’s enough.
He-Man: The Eternity War #1
Dan Abnett and Pop Mhan pull off, once again, making an insane cartoon based on a silly toy line feel like an epic fantasy. DC’s work with this license has always been good, but this in particular stands out and has a lot of promise. Plus, Man-At-Arms kicks snake-man butt. Who doesn’t want to see that?
Grayson #1
Honestly, long-time Batfans should grab this just for the clever little in-joke Tim Seeley works into the script. But in general, it’s a well-written one-off that, even though you’ll know the plot twist a mile away, is still a nice touch of blarney set in Ireland.
They’re Not Like Us #1
Eric Stephenson and Simon Gane deliver a wallop of a first issue. The best way to sum it up is the X-Men if Professor X were utterly ruthless and something of a cult leader. The highest compliment you can give a comic book is you want the next issue right now, and that is this book in spades.
Gotham By Midnight #2
Ray Fawkes’ book is a solid enough piece of dark urban fantasy, but Ben Templesmith is just simply a poor choice for the art. Yeah, yeah, 30 Days of Night, sure, but it doesn’t quite click here. Still, a decent read and picking up some steam.
Catwoman Annual #2
We get a little peek inside the mind of the woman who took over the Catwoman mantle. Mostly, it’s a chance for Genevieve Valentine to show off that she can do more than mob drama. Pat Olliffe and Tom Nguyen’s art is serviceable, albeit not helped by Lee Loughridge’s monotone coloring; the book feels a little flat as a result. Still, a fun read and a good slice of character, which is always, always welcome.
Grindhouse: Drive In, Bleed Out #2
OK, so this book is not terribly subtle in its metaphors; we’re sure Johnny Walker and Marlboro are writing nasty letters to Dark Horse as you read this. But it’s still a good horror tale on a winter’s night, and, hey, it’s still not as lacking in subtlety compared to some books on the stands.
Resurrectionists #2
Fred Van Lente’s rather strange tale of a modern heist crew that’s actually a reincarnated Egyptian heist crew moves right along in this issue. It’s a fun read, but Van Lente needs to pay off the concept a bit more; it’s neat but it doesn’t do much, right at the moment.
Colder: The Bad Seed #3
Yes, the Wyeth reference is just showing off, but Juan Ferreyra has earned it. With Paul Tobin on script, these two are delivering a creepily disturbing horror book about a man who thought he knew about insanity… but there’s far more to it than even Declan suspects. A fascinating and thoroughly chilling book, and highly recommended.
Sleepy Hollow #3
“Did you know that Hotel California is a metaphor for canabis and intoxication and is not a ghost story? I was very disappointed.”
Can we just make Marguerite Bennett the writer for the entire Sleepy Hollow franchise? Seriously, she’s great at it. Make Jorge Coelho visual director while you’re at it. It’s a shame this book wraps next month, because it’s a good reminder of why we love the show.
Aliens: Fire And Stone #4
Chris Roberson’s story of a fecund jungle full of Xenomorphs just kinda…meanders to a stop. Basically a dude talks to himself for twenty pages. That’s about as exciting as it sounds, even with Patric Reynolds on art.
Sundowners #5
Let’s say you got the call, in the real world, to become a superhero. Bat through the window, radioactive spider, whatever. Wouldn’t your biggest problem be getting anybody to believe you? That’s become the thrust of Sundowners and it’s become an interesting superhero book riffing as much on mental illness as it does on superheroics. Definitely worth reading.
C.O.W.L. #7
After an odd but fun diversion last issue, C.O.W.L. returns to its regularly scheduled moral greys and intrigue. Set in the ’60s and themed around a superhero labor union, this is a superb book that just missed my top fifteen for the year, and the intrigue is just getting more intense from here. Highly recommended.
Big Trouble In Little China #7
Finally, Jack Burton’s intoxicating mullet gets the credit it deserves. Yes, this issue is very, very silly, but this is Big Trouble in Little China: Silly is part of the deal. Thanks, Eric Powell and Brian Churilla: This is a Christmas gift for us all.
Daredevil #11
After the rather heavy Purple Man arc, Mark Waid and Chris Samnee lighten it up ever so slightly by bringing back the goofy villain the Stuntmaster in a far more dignified arc. It’s a clever riff on aging and, of course, ego, and the opening alone is worth the money. Highly recommended.
She-Hulk #11
Or “Javier Pulido finally gets the superhero fight he wants to draw.” This is really Pulido’s issue, as he uses Soule’s issue-length fight scene to show off some really fun layout, perspective, and mixed media work. Buy it for the art, stay for the violence!
Unity #13
Faith joins the Unity team and as you might expect, the black-ops ninja and the ruthless barbarian aren’t what she expected. But it’s a clever way to get a new perspective on the team, and to bring the geopolitical intrigue that drives this book into better focus. And, of course, it has a great twist at the end. Highly recommended.
Superman/Wonder Woman #14
Supes and Wondy meet a new hero, the goofily named Wonderstar, and of course he’s not remotely what he seems or even realizes he is. Peter Tomasi and Doug Mahnke deliver a solid but not spectacular story of superheroes and training, and the twist is… well, let’s say it’ll be interesting to see how it pays out.
The Massive #30
Brian Wood ends his ecopocalypse tale on… well… to be honest, it’s a pretty loud, unsubtle note, although one we should really have seen coming. Still, it’s a good end to a good book, and it goes out on top.
The Full Retail List
I.C.E. Critical Mass #2 (Of 4)(Jason Pearson Black & White Variant Cover), AR
I.C.E. Critical Mass #2 (Of 4)(Jason Pearson Regular Cover), $3.99
Fight Like A Girl #2 (Of 4), $3.99
Monstrosity Volume 2 GN, $14.99
Grubby Little Smudges Of Filth GN, $19.95
Dale’s Comic Fanzine Price Guide 2014 SC, $34.95
8-Bit Zombie The Full Byte TP, $12.99
Gold Digger Christmas Special #8, $3.99
Betty And Veronica Comics Digest #229, $4.99
Sonic Universe #71 (Rafa Knight Web Lynx Variant Cover), $3.99
Sonic Universe #71 (Tracy Yardley Regular Cover), $3.99
Fathom Sourcebook #1, $4.99
ZooHunters #2 (Cover A Peter Steigerwald), $3.99
ZooHunters #2 (Cover B Siya Oum), $3.99
ZooHunters #2 (Cover C Peter Steigerwald), AR
ZooHunters #2 (Cover D Peter Steigerwald), AR
Crossed Plus 100 #1 (Gabriel Andrade Leather Cover), $19.99
Extinction Parade War #5 (Raulo Caceres Leather Cover), $19.99
COPRA Volume 1 Round One TP, $19.95
Last Born #4, $3.99
Toe Tag Riot #2, $3.50
McBain #1 (One Shot), $3.99
Silver Age Of Comic Book Art Revised Edition HC, $49.99
Adventure Time #35 (Cover A Shanti Rittgers), $3.99
Adventure Time #35 (Cover B Mychal Amann), $3.99
Adventure Time #35 (Cover C Jimmy Giegerich), AR
Adventure Time #35 (Cover D Shelli Paroline & Braden Lamb), $3.99
Amazing World Of Gumball #6 (Cover A Irene Flores), $3.99
Amazing World Of Gumball #6 (Cover B Marc Ellerby), $3.99
Amazing World Of Gumball #6 (Cover C Nneka Myers), AR
Bee And Puppycat #7 (Cover A Felicia Choo), $3.99
Bee And Puppycat #7 (Cover B Geneva Hodgson), $3.99
Bee And Puppycat #7 (Cover C Brian Fukushima), AR
Big Trouble In Little China #7 (Cover A Eric Powell), $3.99
Big Trouble In Little China #7 (Cover B Alexis Ziritt), $3.99
Big Trouble In Little China #7 (Cover C Jason Copland), AR
Butterfly #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Phil Noto), $3.99
Capture Creatures #2 (Cover A Becky Dreistadt), $3.99
Capture Creatures #2 (Cover B Maggie Rudy), $3.99
Capture Creatures #2 (Cover C Kevin Jay Stanton), AR
Capture Creatures #2 (Cover D Teagan White), AR
Clive Barker’s Nightbreed #8 (Cover A Riley Rossmo), $3.99
Clive Barker’s Nightbreed #8 (Cover B Christopher Mitten), AR
Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Christopher Mitten), $3.99
Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes #2 (Of 6)(Cover B Hazard Graffiti), AR
Deceivers Volume 1 TP, $19.99
Evil Empire #9 (Cover A Jay Shaw), $3.99
Memetic #3 (Of 3)(Cover A Eryk Donovan), $4.99
Sleepy Hollow #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Phil Noto), $3.99
Sleepy Hollow #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Robert Sammelin), AR
Tarot Bat-O-Lantern Bundle, $24.99
Tarot Witch Of The Black Rose #89 (Deluxe Edition), $19.99
Strange Detective Mysteries GN, $13.99
Blake And Mortimer Volume 19 The Time Trap GN, $15.95
IR$ Volume 5 Corporate America TP, $11.95
Kenya Volume 1 Apparitions GN, $11.95
Lucky Luke Volume 49 The Daltons’ Amnesia TP, $11.95
Red Baron Volume 2 Rain Of Blood GN, $11.95
Sam Volume 1 After Man GN, $11.95
Valerian Volume 8 Heroes Of The Equinox GN, $11.95
Comic Shop News #1436, AR
Comic Shop News #1437, AR
What I.F. #1 (One Shot), $2.99
Ehmm Theory Everything In Small Doses #3, $3.99
Aliens Fire And Stone #4 (Of 4), $3.50
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 10 #10 (Rebekah Isaacs Variant Cover), $3.50
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 10 #10 (Steve Morris Regular Cover), $3.50
Captain Midnight #18, $2.99
Colder The Bad Seed #3, $3.99
Conan The Avenger #9, $3.50
Father’s Day #3 (Of 4), $3.99
Grindhouse Drive In Bleed Out #2 (Of 8), $3.99
Halo Escalation #13, $3.99
Massive #30, $3.50
Mind MGMT #29, $3.99
Neon Genesis Evangelion The Shinji Ikari Raising Project Volume 15 TP, $9.99
Resurrectionists #2, $3.50
Sundowners #5, $3.50
Terminator Salvation The Final Battle #12 (Of 12), $3.99
Tomb Raider #11, $3.50
Vampire Hunter D Novel White Devil Mountain Parts 1 And 2 SC, $11.99
Aquaman #37 (Darwyn Cooke Variant Cover), AR
Aquaman #37 (Paul Pelletier Regular Cover), $2.99
Arkham Manor #3 (Chris Brunner Variant Cover), AR
Arkham Manor #3 (Shawn Crystal Regular Cover), $2.99
Batman ’66 #18, $2.99
Batman Annual #3, $4.99
Batman Arkham Origins HC, $22.99
Batman Eternal #38, $2.99
Bodies #6 (Of 8), $3.99
Catwoman Annual #2, $4.99
Dead Boy Detectives #12, $2.99
Deathstroke #3 (David Aja Variant Cover), AR
Deathstroke #3 (Tony S. Daniel Regular Cover), $2.99
Earth 2 World’s End #12, $2.99
Flash #37 (Brett Booth & Norm Rapmund Regular Cover), $2.99
Flash #37 (Darwyn Cooke Variant Cover), AR
Gotham By Midnight #2 (Ben Templesmith Regular Cover), $2.99
Gotham By Midnight #2 (Ray Fawkes Variant Cover), AR
Grayson Annual #1, $4.99
Green Lantern Annual #3, $4.99
Green Lantern Lights Out TP, $16.99
Harley Quinn #13 (Amanda Conner Regular Cover), $2.99
Harley Quinn #13 (Amanda Conner Variant Cover), AR
Harley Quinn #13 (Darwyn Cooke Variant Cover), AR
He-Man The Eternity War #1 (Darwyn Cooke Variant Cover), AR
He-Man The Eternity War #1 (Stjepan Sejic Regular Cover), $2.99
Infinity Man And The Forever People #6, $2.99
Injustice Gods Among Us Year Three #6, $2.99
Justice League Dark #37 (Andrew Robinson Regular Cover), $3.99
Justice League Dark #37 (Darwyn Cooke Variant Cover), AR
Larfleeze Volume 2 The Face Of Greed TP, $14.99
Lucifer Volume 5 TP, $29.99
New 52 Futures End #34, $2.99
Red Hood And The Outlaws Annual #2, $4.99
Red Lanterns #37, $2.99
Robin Rises Alpha #1 (Andy Kubert Regular Cover), $4.99
Robin Rises Alpha #1 (Cliff Chiang Variant Cover), AR
Secret Origins #8, $4.99
Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #5, $3.99
Showcase Presents The Legion Of Super-Heroes Volume 5 TP, $19.99
Sinestro #8 (Darwyn Cooke Variant Cover), AR
Sinestro #8 (Guillem March Regular Cover), $2.99
Star-Spangled War Stories Featuring G.I. Zombie #5, $2.99
Superman #37 (Darwyn Cooke Variant Cover), AR
Superman #37 (Ethan Van Sciver Variant Cover), AR
Superman #37 (John Romita Jr. & Klaus Janson Combo Pack Cover), $4.99
Superman #37 (John Romita Jr. & Klaus Janson Regular Cover), $3.99
Superman #37 (John Romita Jr. & Klaus Janson Variant Cover), AR
Superman Action Comics Volume 4 Hybrid TP, $16.99
Superman Action Comics Volume 5 What Lies Beneath HC, $22.99
Superman Wonder Woman #14 (Darwyn Cooke Variant Cover), AR
Superman Wonder Woman #14 (Doug Mahnke Combo Pack Cover), $4.99
Superman Wonder Woman #14 (Doug Mahnke Regular Cover), $3.99
Tales Of The Batman Len Wein HC, $49.99
Twilight TP, $14.99
Previews #316 (January 2015), $3.99
Doctor Who The Visual Dictionary Updated And Expanded HC, $25.00
Alice Cooper #4 (David Mack Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Avenger Special 2014 (One Shot)(Cover A Robert Hack), $7.99
Bionic Woman Season Four #4 (Of 4)(Cover A David T. Cabrera), $3.99
Bionic Woman Season Four #4 (Of 4)(David T. Cabrera Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Bob’s Burgers #1 (Bonus Package)(Tony Gennaro Baltimore Comic Con Variant Cover)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Bob’s Burgers #1 (Bonus Package)(Tony Gennaro Black & White Baltimore Comic Con Variant Cover)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Bob’s Burgers #1 (Bonus Package)(Tony Gennaro Virgin Baltimore Comic Con Variant Cover)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Dawn Vampirella #1 (Of 6)(Joseph Michael Linser Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Devilers #5 (Of 7)(Cover A Jock), $2.99
Doc Savage Special 2014 (One Shot)(Cover A Robert Hack), $7.99
Doctor Spektor Master Of The Occult Volume 1 TP, $16.99
John Carter Warlord Of Mars #2 (Roberto Castro Wraparound Variant Cover), AR
Justice Inc #5 (Of 6)(Alex Ross Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Lady Demon #1 (Joyce Chin Red Variant Cover), AR
Purgatori #4 (Cover A Nei Ruffino), $3.99
Purgatori #4 (Cover B Joyce Chin), $3.99
Purgatori #4 (Cover C Tony Fleecs), $3.99
Purgatori #4 (Joyce Chin Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Purgatori #4 (Nei Ruffino Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Shadow 2014 (One Shot)(Cover A Robert Hack), $7.99
Shaft #1 (Dennis Cowan Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Six Million Dollar Man Season 6 TP, $19.99
Marvel Fact Files Special #2 (Wolverine), $32.00
Complete Peanuts Volume 6 1961-1962 HC (New Printing), $29.99
Complete Peanuts Volume 15 1979-1980 HC (New Printing), $29.99
Creeping Death From Neptune Horror And Science Fiction Comics HC, $39.99
G.I. JOE Vs Cobra Special #7 (Zombie Initiative), $4.95
Transformers Timelines #10 (Pirates Vs Knights), $4.95
Perfect World Volume 2 Top Game Promotional Posters SC, $35.00
Nnewts Volume 1 Escape From Lizzarks HC, $19.99
Nnewts Volume 1 Escape From Lizzarks SC, $10.99
Who Is Stan Lee SC, $4.99
Juxtapoz #168 (January 2015), $5.99
Corto Maltese Under The Sign Of Capricorn GN, $29.99
Garbage Pail Kids Comic Book Puke-tacular #1 (Cover A Mark Pingatore), $3.99
Garbage Pail Kids Comic Book Puke-tacular #1 (Cover RI Joe Simko), AR
Garbage Pail Kids Comic Book Puke-tacular #1 (Cover SUB Blank), $3.99
Garbage Pail Kids Comic Book Puke-tacular #1 (Deluxe Peter Bagge’d Edition), $4.99
Joe Kubert’s Enemy Ace Artist’s Edition HC, AR
Judge Dredd #26 (Cover A Mark Sexton), $3.99
Judge Dredd #26 (Cover SUB Mark Torres), $3.99
Judge Dredd Anderson Psi-Division #4 (Cover A Matt Haley), $3.99
Judge Dredd Anderson Psi-Division #4 (Cover RI Agnes Garbowska), AR
Judge Dredd Anderson Psi-Division #4 (Cover SUB Mimi Yoon), $3.99
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #26 (Cover A Andy Price), $7.99
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #26 (Cover B Agnes Garbowska), $7.99
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #26 (Cover RI Chan Chau), AR
Silent Hill Downpour Anne’s Story #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Tristan Jones), $3.99
Silent Hill Downpour Anne’s Story #4 (Of 4)(Cover SUB Xermanico), $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ghostbusters #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Dan Schoening), $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ghostbusters #3 (Of 4)(Cover SUB Cory Smith), $3.99
Transformers Vs G.I. JOE Volume 1 TP, $19.99
X Files X-Mas Special (Cover A Carlos Valenzuela), $7.99
X Files X-Mas Special (Cover RI Vic Malhotra), AR
Black Science #11, $3.99
C.O.W.L. #7, $3.50
Dark Engine Volume 1 The Art Of Destruction TP, $9.99
Dead@17 Blasphemy Throne #5 (Of 7), $3.50
Graveyard Shift #1 (Of 4), $3.50
Great Pacific #18, $2.99
Manhattan Projects Volume 5 The Cold War TP, $14.99
Mercenary Sea #8, $2.99
Nailbiter #1 (Image Firsts Edition), $1.00
Outcast By Kirkman And Azaceta #6, $2.99
Rasputin #3, $3.50
Revival #26 (Cover A Jenny Frison), $2.99
Revival #26 (Cover B Jamie McKelvie & Matthew Wilson), AR
Southern Bastards #1 (Image Firsts Edition), $1.00
Sunstone GN, $14.99
Super Dinosaur #23, $2.99
They’re Not Like Us #1, $2.99
Art Of Destiny HC, $45.00
Monster High Volume 2 I Only Have Eye For You GN, $10.00
Locus #647 (December 2014), $7.50
All-New Captain America #1 (Stuart Immonen 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
All-New Invaders #13, $3.99
All-New X-Factor #18, $3.99
All-New X-Men Annual #1 (Andrea Sorrentino Regular Cover), $4.99
All-New X-Men Annual #1 (Dustin Nguyen Variant Cover), AR
Amazing X-Men Volume 2 World War Wendigo TP, $17.99
Avengers And X-Men Axis #1 (Of 9)(Adam Kubert Variant Cover)(Stan Lee Gold Signature Edition)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Avengers And X-Men Axis #9 (Of 9)(Adam Hughes Inversion Variant Cover), AR
Avengers And X-Men Axis #9 (Of 9)(Jim Cheung Regular Cover), $4.99
Avengers And X-Men Axis #9 (Of 9)(Paul Renaud Looper Variant Cover, AR
Captain America And The Mighty Avengers #3 (Afua Richardson Variant Cover), AR
Captain America And The Mighty Avengers #3 (Luke Ross Regular Cover), $3.99
Captain America Volume 5 The Tomorrow Soldier HC (Premiere Edition), $24.99
Cyclops #8, $3.99
Daredevil #11, $3.99
Dark Tower The Drawing Of The Three The Prisoner #5 (Of 5), $3.99
Deadpool #39, $3.99
Deadpool Vs X-Force #1 (Of 4)(Duane Swierczynski Red Signature Edition)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Deadpool Vs X-Force #1 (Of 4)(Duane Swierczynski Signed Edition)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 (Of 4)(Founding Father Edition 2)(Stan Lee Signed Edition)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 (Of 4)(Terry & Rachel Dodson M&M Comics Alamo City Comics Variant Cover)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 Premium Complete Signed Set (Dynamic Forces), AR
Death Of Wolverine The Logan Legacy #7 (Of 7)(Rafael Albuquerque Regular Cover), $3.99
Death Of Wolverine The Logan Legacy #7 (Of 7)(TBD Canada Variant Cover), AR
Hawkeye Vs Deadpool #1 (Of 4)(Fabian Nicieza Signed Edition)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Hawkeye Vs Deadpool #1 (Of 4)(Mike Mayhew Variant Cover)(Fabian Nicieza Signed Edition)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Hawkeye Vs Deadpool #1 (Of 4)(Mike Mayhew Variant Cover)(Stan Lee Gold Signature Edition)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Hawkeye Vs Deadpool #3 (Of 4), $3.99
Loki Agent Of Asgard #9, $3.99
Magneto #13, $3.99
Marvel 75th Anniversary Celebration #1 (Paola Rivera Signed Edition)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Marvel 75th Anniversary Celebration #1 (Stan Lee Gold Signature Edition)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Marvel Masterworks Warlock Volume 1 TP, $24.99
Marvel Masterworks Warlock Volume 1 TP (Direct Market Variant Edition 72), $24.99
Marvel Previews #137 (January 2015 For Products On-Sale March 2015), $1.25
Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man Web Warriors #2, $2.99
Marvel’s The Avengers #1 (Of 2), $2.99
New Avengers #28, $3.99
Nova #25 (Arthur Adams Variant Cover), AR
Nova #25 (Zach Montoya Regular Cover), $4.99
Nova Volume 4 Original Sin TP, $16.99
Secret Avengers #11, $3.99
She-Hulk #11, $2.99
Spider-Woman #1 (Greg Land 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Superior Iron Man #1 (Mike Choi 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Superior Iron Man #3 (Mike Choi Regular Cover), $3.99
Superior Iron Man #3 (Yildiray Cinar Variant Cover), AR
Thor #1 (Russell Dauterman 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Thor #1 (Stan Lee Gold Signature Edition)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Thor #2 (Russell Dauterman 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Uncanny X-Men #29 (Alex Ross 75th Anniversary Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Uncanny X-Men #29 (Alex Ross 75th Anniversary Variant Cover), AR
Uncanny X-Men #29 (Chris Bachalo Regular Cover), $3.99
X-Men Epic Collection Volume 1 Children Of The Atom TP, $34.99
X-Men The Road To Onslaught Volume 3 TP, $39.99
Graphic Details Jewish Women’s Confessional Comics SC, $49.95
Big Box Apocalypse GN, $11.99
Robert Moses The Master Builder Of New York City HC, $24.95
Letter 44 #13, $3.99
Wasteland #59, $3.99
Classics Illustrated Deluxe Volume 12 Monkey God HC, $17.99
Classics Illustrated Deluxe Volume 12 Monkey God SC, $13.99
Roy Thomas Presents Briefer’s Frankenstein Slipcase Edition Volume 5 1948 HC, $64.99
Roy Thomas Presents Briefer’s Frankenstein Volume 5 1948 HC, $47.99
Roy Thomas Presents Planet Comics Slipcase Edition Volume 5 March-September 1942 HC, $64.99
Roy Thomas Presents Planet Comics Volume 5 March-September 1942 HC, $49.99
2000 AD #1910, $5.35
2000 AD Pack November 2014 (1906-1909), $21.40
Popeye And Olive Oyl Figurines And Book Kit SC, $9.95
Doc Savage Double Novel Volume 38 SC, $14.95
Shadow Double Novel Volume 90 SC, $14.95
Anatomy Of Zur-En-Arrh Understanding Grant Morrison’s Batman SC, $16.99
D-Frag Volume 3 GN, $12.99
Gorezone #33, $9.99
Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor #6 (Photo Subscription Cover), $3.99
Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor #6 (Verity Glass Regular Cover), $3.99
Doctor Who The Twelfth Doctor #3 (Mariano Laclaustra Regular Cover), $3.99
Doctor Who The Twelfth Doctor #3 (Photo Subscription Cover), $3.99
Doctor Who The Twelfth Doctor #3 (Photo Variant Cover), AR
Evil Within #4 (Of 4), $3.99
Monster High Magazine #11, $4.99
Penguins Of Madagascar #2, $3.99
Hobby Japan #131 (November 2014), $16.60
Full-Color Guide To Marvel Silver Age Collectibles From M.M.M.S. To Marvelmania SC (2nd Edition), $29.95
Archer And Armstrong Volume 6 American Wasteland TP, $14.99
Unity #13 (Cover A Cafu), $3.99
Unity #13 (Cover B Glenn Fabry), $3.99
Unity #13 (Rafael Albuquerque Variant Cover), AR
X-O Manowar Volume 7 Armor Hunters TP, $14.99
Afterschool Charisma Volume 10 GN (not verified by Diamond), $12.99
Bleach 3-In-1 Edition Volume 10 TP (not verified by Diamond), $14.99
Dogs Volume 9 GN (not verified by Diamond), $12.99
Dorohedoro Volume 14 GN (not verified by Diamond), $12.99
Jaco The Galactic Patrolman GN (not verified by Diamond), $9.99
Kiss Of The Rose Princess Volume 2 GN (not verified by Diamond), $9.99
LBX Volume 3 World Changer GN (not verified by Diamond), $9.99
Master Keaton Volume 1 GN (not verified by Diamond), $19.99
Master Keaton Volume 1 Urasawa GN, $19.99
Meteor Prince Volume 1 GN (not verified by Diamond), $9.99
My Love Story Volume 3 GN (not verified by Diamond), $9.99
Naruto 3-In-1 Edition Volume 10 TP (not verified by Diamond), $14.99
Nisekoi False Love Volume 7 GN (not verified by Diamond), $9.99
One Piece Volume 73 GN (not verified by Diamond), $9.99
Ranma 1/2 2-In-1 Edition Volume 5 TP (not verified by Diamond), $14.99
Accel World Novel Volume 2 The Red Storm Princess SC, $13.00
Accel World Volume 2 GN, $13.00
Are You Alice Volume 7 GN, $13.00
Barakamon Volume 2 GN, $15.00
Bloody Cross Volume 5 GN, $11.99
Certain Magical Index Light Novel Volume 1 SC, $14.00
Demon From Afar Volume 1 GN, $18.00
He’s My Only Vampire Volume 1 GN, $13.00
High School DxD Asia And Koneko’s Secret Contract GN, $13.00
Is It Wrong Try Pick Up Girls In Dungeon Novel SC, $14.00
Kingdom Hearts II Volume 3 TP, $19.00
Love At Fourteen Volume 1 GN, $15.00
Milkyway Hitchhiking SC, $30.00
Pandora Hearts Odds And Ends GN, $35.00
Soul Eater Not Volume 4 TP, $13.00
Soul Eater Volume 23 TP, $13.00
Spice And Wolf Novel Volume 13 Side Colors III Novel SC, $13.00
Spice And Wolf Volume 10 GN, $13.00
Sword Art Online Fairy Dance Volume 2 GN, $13.00
Sword Art Online Volume 3 Fairy Dance Novel SC, $13.00
Tena On S-String Volume 6 GN, $30.00
Triage X Volume 8 GN, $14.00
Henni GN, $19.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Dark Shaman #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Jorge Meguro), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Dark Shaman #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Marat Mychaels), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Dark Shaman #3 (Of 4)(Cover C Ted Hammond), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents The Jungle Book Fall Of The Wild #1 (Of 5)(Cover A David Finch), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents The Jungle Book Fall Of The Wild #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Carlos Granda), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents The Jungle Book Fall Of The Wild #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Mike Krome), $3.99
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