Don Jr. Got Roasted For Suggesting That The Pentagon’s Vaccine Mandate For U.S. Troops Is Akin To Dictatorship

Much like his father (who Sen. Tammy Duckworth once sarcastically referred to as “Cadet Bone Spurs”), Donald Trump Jr. did not serve in the U.S. Armed Forces. This might perhaps account for him not realizing that there’s a massive list of existing mandated vaccines for troops before the issue of Covid-19 ever surfaced. Yet Kimberly Guilfoyle’s boyfriend is pretty darn worked up over the Pentagon’s new order (in the wake of the FDA’s full approval of Pfizer vaccine) that all troops take the Covid jab.

This means that (according to the Associated Press) approximately 800,000 service members (those who remain unvaccinated so far) must roll up their sleeves, and as Raw Story relays, Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby revealed that those troops who don’t have a religious or medical exemption for vaccination can talk to a doctor “and have that physician, communicate to them, the risks that they’re taking by continuing to not want to take the vaccine.”

Well, Don Jr. is a big fan of the right-wing Daily Caller website, which labeled that chat-with-a-doctor procedure as “re-education,” a term that was no doubt meant to communicate an authoritarian vibe (as with its use in communist China), and Don Jr. retweeted the applicable story link, while declaring, “Wow. Re-education? Already? This is all happening faster than anyone could have imagined.”

Naturally, people were quick to let Don Jr. know that he must know nothing about the military, particularly how the sign-up process is basically signing over one’s self as property of the U.S. government, so yeah, if the military wants to vaccinate you, they’re gonna vaccinate you.

(Via Associated Press & Raw Story)