Cosette Jarrett, a 23-year-old fitness model, recently hung up her competition bikini. Since she decided to lighten up her regimen, Cosette wished to tell the world about the stringent methods required to achieve glory as a trophy winner. In retrospect, she calls the practices so extreme as to be “hilarious,” for they only resulted in a “small statue, which sits awkwardly on my desk at home.” Cosette leaped into competition life on a whim, but she knew it wasn’t for her. The investment — of time, money, and self-esteem — was too great for the small rewards it reaped.
For starters, Cosette purchased a $450 custom-made swimsuit (while some cost up to $1000 apiece) and endure bizarre rituals like peeing in cups to avoid messing up $100 spray tans. She also experienced heavy mood swings from the rest of the regimen, which limited her persona life, but that’s just as well, for the regimen sounds exhausting.
Over a period of eight months, Cosette trained for the “ultimate hourglass figure,” which means a small waist with sculpted shoulders and defined legs and glutes. She trained six days per week for two hours each visit. Each muscle group would receive weekly or biweekly attention, but an even bigger commitment involved diet requirements. Six small meals per day weren’t as wonderful as they sound. Mostly, Cosette says they tasted “funky” and hurt her stomach. Bags full of veggies supplemented the unsatisfying meals, and water tablets helped her dehydrate before competition day.
After winning an award, Cosette decided her competition days were finished. Back to a normal life (she works as a tech writer at or, at least, close enough. At least she captured some stunning photos in the process.
(Via Daily Mail & Mashable)