Former Flash Wally West Will Be Dashing Back To The New 52 Universe This April

With superhero deaths drained of any and all importance, DC seems to be trying to get as much mileage as they can out of willing old characters back into existence. First there was the news that Stephanie Brown would be reintroduced in the pages of Batman Eternal, and now we have an even bigger bomb — Wally West will be reintroduced in the pages of The Flash Annual #3. You’re going to make Flash fans buy a damned annual to see the return of Wally? You’re evil DC.

For those not up on their Flash, Wally West was wiped from DC continuity with the launch of the New 52, leaving his predecessor, Barry Allen as the only guy to ever don the red tights. This was kind of a big deal since Wally had been around since 1959 and been The Flash since 1986.

The timing of this return is interesting, as 2014 is set to be the start of a big Flash push by Warner Bros. A new Flash TV series is in the works and there’s heavy speculation that The Flash might be making an appearance in Batman vs. Superman. Things were pretty confusing back when there were four different Flashes running around, so I can see why DC decided to simplify things initially, but now that The Flash needs to carry an ongoing TV show and more, perhaps they decided it was okay to add some depth back to his cast.

I guess Superman wasn’t using his old blue electric outfit anymore.  

The Flash Annual #3 will be written by Robert Venditti and Van Jensen, drawn by Brett Booth and will hit stands sometime in April.

via Comics Alliance