‘Wow, My Career Is In The Toilet’: Turns Out Having Fox News On Your Resume Makes Job Hunting A Nightmare

As Fox News continues to have its inner-workings exposed thanks to the lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems, the fallout is doing more than just (further) tarnishing the reputation of its most prominent stars. In fact, the lawsuit appears to be doing more damage to lower-level staffers who are finding it increasingly difficult to escape the network.

On the latest episode of The Daily Beast‘s The New Abnormal podcast, contributing editor Dinae Falzone reports hearing from sources whose resumes are being turned away if Fox News is listed as an employer:

“One of my sources who recently left, and recently completely dismayed with the organization, was there for over a decade and started when things were not what they are now, and left just thinking, ‘Wow, my career is in the toilet,’” recounts Falzone. “And any time this source went for a job in media, because [the hiring managers] saw the number of years there, assumed that this person was along those very, very right ideologies, [and] was not able to get hired and had to figure out something else to do.”

According to Falzone, the situation has gotten so bad that some Fox News staffers are completely bailing on pursuing a career in media.

“Many sources I speak to that have recently left are finding themselves out of work and having to go outside of media to be able to make ends meet for their families,” Falzone said.

Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and other notable Fox personalities who had their text messages embarrassingly revealed continue to remain gainfully employed at the network.

(Via The Daily Beast)