A New Video Has Emerged In Which George Santos Claims Someone Tried To Assassinate Him, And That His Shoes Were Stolen From Him In New York

Just when you thought you might have heard the last lie to come out of George Santos’ mouth, along comes a bizarre video — shot in December as part of an interview with a Brazilian podcast — in which Santos shares what are likely some tall tales about almost being murdered and having his shoes stolen (in two separate incidents).

As Mediaite reports, Rachel Maddow obtained the video and shared parts of it on Monday night. In it, Maddow says that “Santos says he is the victim of an attempted murder. An attempted murder that resulted in him being put under police protection, because the murderer might come back for him after missing him the first time.”

But Santos’ fabulism didn’t end there. In the same video, he spoke about someone stealing his shoes in the middle of Fifth Avenue—“specifically, at the corner of 55th Street and Fifth Avenue,” which is just one block away from Trump Tower— in broad daylight. Maddow clarified that the shoe-robbers were “not the same people who were trying to murder him — apparently that was separate — but who can say?”

When even the host of the podcast seemed to express some surprise over this story, Santos — who was a drag queen, but may have attended the Stop the Steal rally in a stolen scarf — essentially replied that that’s just the kind of crime-ridden place New York City has become. He added that the actual mugging wasn’t even “the worst of it. Nobody did anything. Nobody did anything. The fear is real. It’s surreal what we live through here.”

Maddow reached out to Santos about the claim but did not receive a reply. The podcast host, too, asked for a report of the alleged mugging and did not receive a response. So Maddow has done the same and, so far, has not been provided with anything.

(Via Mediaite)