Kyrsten Sinema’s Attempt At Capitalizing On ‘Barbie’ And ‘Oppenheimer’ Fever Really Backfired On Her, Huh?

With all due respect to Tom Cruise riding a motorcycle off a cliff and parachuting into a moving train, the only movies anyone can talk about this week are Barbie and Oppenheimer. Maybe not everyone should, though.

Arizona senator Kyrsten Sinema, who voted against raising the minimum wage and has been accused of being more concerned with the perks of her job than the job itself, attempted to capitalize on “Barbenheimer” fever. “Get you a Senator who can do both,” she tweeted, along with one photo where she’s wearing a pink dress and another in black and white. Get it? Like the movies?

The tweet is getting a big thumbs down from the internet.

“I think it’s perfect that the senator’s idea of doing something boils down to wearing a color and/or applying a black and white filter,” @nycsouthpaw tweeted, while @RBReich noted, “By ‘both’ do you think she means letting rich hedge-fund managers get away with massive tax breaks while also pushing millions of children into poverty by blocking expansion of the Child Tax Credit?” Or as succinctly put by @the_transit_guy, “You and Barbie can both be bought, so it makes sense.”

To be fair to Sinema, at least she didn’t record a video where she’s holding a hot dog like a maniac?

I will not for any politician who vows to never meme. This is a promise.