Trump Lackey Lindsey Graham Is Begging Him To Promote The Vaccine To His Stubborn, Anti-Vax Followers So They’ll Stop ‘Wreaking Havoc On Our Hospitals’

Following his public admission that he tested positive for COVID but is thankfully only experiencing mild symptoms thanks to the vaccine, Lindsey Graham has reportedly urged former president Donald Trump to be more “aggressive” about telling his supporters to get the shot.

While calling the COVID vaccine “the antidote to the virus that’s wreaking havoc on our hospitals,” Graham told the Associated Press on Thursday that he just got off the phone with Trump. According to the South Carolina senator, he applauded Trump for getting the vaccine “developed,” but now the important part is getting his supporters to stop being hesitant about the shot because “we should do all we can as a nation to get our economy back up and running and to protect our way of life.”

Graham also used the interview to voice his own support for the vaccine. Via the AP:

Recognizing that taking the vaccine might be a “sacrifice” for some, Graham said the task paled in comparison with others that have been required of Americans in the past.

“No one’s being asked to go off to fight radical Islam or fight a foreign enemy. We’re being asked to make responsible medical decisions,” Graham said. “Take the vaccine.”

After testing positive over the weekend, Graham revealed his COVID status on Monday and made it a point to tout the benefits of being vaccinated. “I feel like I have a sinus infection and at present time I have mild symptoms,” Graham tweeted. “I am very glad I was vaccinated because without vaccination I am certain I would not feel as well as I do now. My symptoms would be far worse.”

(Via Associated Press)