After admitting to masturbating in front of women without their consent, Louis C.K. said that he was going to “step back and take a long time to listen.” Less than a year later, he made a surprise appearance at the Comedy Cellar in New York City; he did the same thing months later, prompting walkouts. C.K. has continued to perform throughout the year, most controversially at the Governor’s Comedy Club in Levittown, New York, in mid-December, where he made jokes about gender identity and the Parkland school shooting.
Audio from the December 16th set has leaked online, and in it, you can hear the disgraced comedian mock the survivors of one of the deadliest school shootings in United States history, at Stoneman Douglas High School. “They testify in front of Congress, these kids? What are they doing? You’re young! You should be crazy! You should be unhinged! Not in a suit,” he said. “You’re not interesting. Because you went to a high school where kids got shot? Why does that mean I have to listen to you? Why does that make you interesting? You didn’t got shot. You pushed some fat kid in the way, and now I’ve got to listen to you talking?” There was also some Old Man Yells at Cloud material.
“I’m a little disappointed in the younger generation, honestly,” he beings. “I’m 51 years old, and when I was like 18, in my twenties, we were idiots. We were getting high, we were doing f*cking mushrooms and sh*t. Older people were like, ‘You gotta get your sh*t together,’ and we were like, ‘F*ck you!’ So I was excited to be in my fifties and see people in their twenties and be like, ‘You’re crazy!’ But they’re not. They’re f*cking boring, going, ‘You shouldn’t say that!’ What are you? An old lady?” (Via)
C.K. later joked (complained) about attitudes toward gender identity and pronouns, and how “they’re like royalty. They tell you what to call them. ‘You should address me as they/them. Because I identify as gender neutral.’ Okay. You should address me as ‘there,’ because I identify as a location. And the location is your mother’s c*nt. It doesn’t have to be that nasty, but it can be.” He also “riffed at length about ‘retarded’ people; the difference in penis size among black, white, and Asian men; and he used a gay slur in a referring to his doctor as ‘an old f*cking Jewish f*g’,” according to Variety.
Needless to say, his set did not go over well, with some labeling C.K. as a voice for the far right. “im listening to the leaked louis set and its very clear hes just going to tour red states for the rest of his life to rapturous crowds, like trump,” comedian Jack Allison tweeted. “i mean he’s like a RW (right-wing) comic now. hes milo (yiannopoulos).”
Louis CK is absolutely nailing this ongoing audition to get his own Fox News show
— maura quint (@behindyourback) December 31, 2018
can’t wait til louis ck’s appearance on the joe rogan show. maybe ben shapiro next. or tucker? dream big, you sweaty masturbator
— . (@swordsjew) December 31, 2018
“I'm saying, Come on, the global warming thing? How did the ice melt during the ice ages? Was the dinosaurs driving SUVs around back then?” pic.twitter.com/eL4h1Y316L
— Paul F. Tompkins (@PFTompkins) December 31, 2018
what Louis CK makes me think about is how easy and safe it is for just about any rich white dude to pivot, instantaneously, all the way to being Basically Donald Trump Now the very moment any other pose becomes even slightly less personally gratifying than he feels entitled to
— Albert Burneko (@AlbertBurneko) December 31, 2018
Louis CK and Ricky Gervais are going to do a joint “are you offended?????” comedy tour and there’s nothing any of us can do to stop it
— Brandy Jensen (@BrandyLJensen) December 31, 2018
Louis CK might still be rich but at least the universe is punishing him by turning him into Dennis Miller
— pixelatedboat aka “mr tweets” (@pixelatedboat) December 31, 2018
C.K.’s entire set can be heard here.
(Via Forbes)