Michael Showalter And Stephen Colbert Unearth Their 20-Year-Old Unaired Sketch Comedy Show

Before they were host of the Late Show and director of an Oscar buzzworthy movie, Stephen Colbert and Michael Showalter, respectively, were two of the ’90s sketch comedy greats, Showalter having starred in MTV’s The State and Colbert in Comedy Central’s Exit 57 (as well as The Dana Carvey Show). So it only makes sense that the brilliant minds of the ’90s comedy scene would have at some point cross-pollinated, as Colbert and Showalter reminisced on their long friendship on Wednesday night.

Aside from Colbert getting “one of the drunkest [he’s] ever been” at the wrap party for The State, involving a drink called “The Black Death” (which the internet tells me is a stomach-churning concoction of vodka, Everclear, Buttershots, Kahlua, and Blue Curacao), the two men also filmed an unaired sketch comedy show in the late ’90s called “Random Play.” And so we can see what might have been, the Big Sick director just happened to have the only remaining VHS copy of it on hand, which they ran a clip of for posterity’s sake.

While he was there. Showalter also once again discussed the timeline for the upcoming Wet Hot American Summer sequel, which hits Netflix on August 4th. So while the first time he was playing a teen in his 30s, then playing a slightly younger teen in his 40s, this time around he’ll be playing a 20-something, but “in actuality, I’m in my mid-30s.” Good to finally clear that up.