Paul Rudd is aging as gracefully as anyone on the planet, which makes him perfect to play a… millennial? At least he has taken those reigns in a coronavirus PSA where the 51-year-old actor talked to his people about the importance of wearing a mask to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
“Yo, what up dudes, Paul Rudd here, actor and certified young person,” Rudd says, wearing a bright yellow hoodie and a flat brimmed NY hat while holding a skateboard. “A few days ago I was talking on the iPhone with my homie governor Cuomo, and he’s just going off about how us millennials need to wear masks. Because, get this, apparently a lot of COVID is transmitted by us millennials.”
There are some incredible facial expressions in this video, and I wish I could share all of them as screengrabs. But please settle for this one and pause the video several times to get the full enjoyment out of them all.

Anyway, Rudd said Cuomo asked him to do something about this, hence the video.
“So Cuoms asks, he says ‘Paul, you gotta help me. What are you, like, 26?’ And I didn’t correct him.”
Rudd then called masks “totally beast” and said to “slide that into your DMs and Twitch it.” He then pulled out a double-necked guitar and played a sick riff. No, really. Rudd also helped recreate one of his recently famous memes, wearing a wing sauce-stained mask with the guy from First We Feast to say “look at us” a few times. There are other meme references in there, but also just a lot of awkward Tim and Eric-style silliness from Rudd, who says deadpan that “we gotta yeet this virus” at the end of the video.
Whether it gets the point across to millennials is unclear right now, but, judging from the initial reaction, a lot of fans of Celery Man were certainly picking up what he was putting down. No cap.