Sean Spicer Thinks ‘A Christmas Carol’ By Charles Dickens Is Literally A Book Of Christmas Carols

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When someday, we’re left in the wreckage of the Trump administration — whether that comes in 2018, 2020, 2024, or God help us, an even later date — one of the best, if not only good things that will have some from President Donald Trump is Sean Spicer. During his all too short six month tenure as White House Press Secretary, Spicer provided some much needed entertainment in some pretty bleak times.

While Spicer first made headlines over huffily defending the crowd size at Trump’s inauguration, he quickly became known for buffoonery such as picking a fight with Dippin’ Dots, not understanding that the Onion is a satirical website, leaving his Venmo account public, that whole hiding in the bushes to avoid questioning thing, and so on and so forth. With Spicer as her muse, Melissa McCarthy even took home an Emmy for her Saturday Night Live portrayal.

But while good ol’ Spicey may no longer be in the national spotlight, he’s still out there living his best life. Like taking a recent trip to the White House, which he documented on his Instagram account, including a photo of FDR’s famous book of Christmas Carols by Charles Dickens. Wait a dang second…

A few commenters suggested that maybe the comment was intended to be sarcastic, but let’s face it. That’s not the Spicer we’ve all come to known and ridicule. Never change, Spicer.

(H/T Ashley Feinberg)