Idaho Officials Openly Mocked The MyPillow Guy’s Debunked Election Fraud Claims: ‘Smooth Move’

In what’s becoming a recurring theme, Mike Lindell‘s latest effort to prove election fraud went down in flames as Idaho officials roundly mocked the easily debunked claims from the MyPillow CEO. What made Lindell’s claims immediately preposterous this time around is that his team (read: a stack of pillows with fake mustaches), claimed to have the IP addresses for Idaho election results that aren’t connected to the internet. In fact, they’re strictly analog paper tallies, which tossed up red flags with election officials.

In a statement to the Bonner County Daily Bee, county clerk Mike Rosedale did not hold back his contempt for Lindell’s stunt:

“What is really infuriating is that nobody from the Lindell group ever called Bonner County Elections to even find out what type of equipment we use, that we weren’t connected to the internet, how we communicated with the Secretary of State, nothing. No verification or validation of claims. For the sake of apparently trying to make a big splash, he tarnished the reputations of possibly thousands of counties across the USA. Smooth move Mr. Lindell.”

In the counties that were electronically counted, Newsweek reports that Idaho election officials found exactly one uncounted vote in Trump’s favor and that votes for Joe Biden were counted accurately the first time. This manual inspection disproved Lindell’s wild claim that over 35,000 votes in Idaho were “flipped” from Trump to Biden.

(Via Bonner County Daily Bee, Newsweek)