Steve Bannon Trashed Joe Rogan And His ‘Low-Information’ Listeners Over Rogan’s Refusal To Help Trump By Having Him On His ‘Blood Money’ Podcast

Joe Rogan’s no stranger to dabbling in far-right conspiracy land, but he’s done a very surprising thing by refusing to hop on the Trump 2024 bandwagon. Rather, he’s expressed support for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, which can’t please Trump, given Rogan’s massive Spotify audience headcount. To add further insult to injury, Rogan recently told his listeners that Trump’s been pushing hard to be a guest on The Joe Rogan Experience, but Rogan ain’t interested in letting Trump hop onboard. Rogan added that he’s turned down Team Trump multiple times, and he emphasized, “I’m not a Trump supporter in any way, shape or form.”

Trump has managed to hold his tongue and not fire off an angry press release, but former White House Chief of Staff Steve Bannon is talking on his War Room podcast. Via Raw Story, Bannon fired off accusations of Rogan taking “blood money” while entertaining the “low information voters in his audience. Them’s fighting words:

“You know, Joe Rogan is trash-talking Trump. Where’s Joe Rogan taking the $100 million blood money from Spotify. Where’s he about Spotify putting [the alleged shooter’s] rap videos up and making money off of it?”

No offense. he doesn’t need your platform. He doesn’t need your low-information voters. OK? Trump deals with high-information people. Your audience couldn’t handle War Room, couldn’t follow it.”

So (and according to Bannon, who is reportedly very upset about people thinking he looks like a “deranged incel”), the War Room podcast is so complex that Joe Rogan’s audience simply can’t handle it. Or maybe it’s just that people can’t tolerate a constant stream of jibberish from guests like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Mike Lindell.

(Via Raw Story)